A Caregivers 5 Step Guide to Lead Poisoning

Do you have a child in your life under the age of 6. Are they lead poisoned? No? How do you know? If you and/or your child spend time in a home (or daycare, or office) built before 1900, know that HUD says 9 out of 10 of those buildings were painted with lead. As that paint deteriorates it produces tiny particles of lead dust (too small to see) that can be breathed in by your infant or toddler.

Home Depot 20 million dollar EPA Lead Paint violations fine – what does it mean for you?

When Home Depot was fined 20 Million dollars for lead violations in the spring of 2021, I have to admit, I was surprised. I didn’t expect that from this company. Over the years I have spoken at HUD and EPA events and conferences around Lead Poisoning Prevention and Regulations, and I have met some Home Read more about Home Depot 20 million dollar EPA Lead Paint violations fine – what does it mean for you?[…]

Washington Lead Conference 2019 - Lead-Edu

Meeting on Capitol Hill

On Thursday, February 28, while in Washington, DC, exhibiting at the Healthy Homes Conference, I had the pleasure of meeting with Jared Golden, Congressmen of the 2nd District and Angus King, US Senator from Maine, and staffers to discuss Lead Poisoning Prevention. They were genuinely interested in the problem. They asked specific questions about the… read more

Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs

Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs

Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs! I love them! They are creative, fascinating, problem solvers. They are the young people determined to control their destiny, the corporate executive who knows there must be a better way, the mom who wants to build an income that doesn’t mean leaving her kids with someone else every day. They are the… read more